Meet Our Pro Tyers


Paul Beel

Terre Haute, IN

Tying style: Paul lead our Pro Tyer team. He specializes in modern streamers for smallmouth and largemouth bass and trout. Ties classic Michigan dry flies for trout and flies for bluegill.


Brandon Bailes

Athens, GA

Tying style: Brandon specializes in 2 areas - deerhair bass bugs and downsized small water flies (mostly streamers and deerhair bugs).


John Collins

Stewartsville NJ

Tying style: Trout, caddis nymphs and parachute dry flies. Plus sculpins and streamers that utilize rabbit strips. For steelhead: bright colored nymphs and Intruder style swinging flies.


John and Katie Demuth

Kingsport, TN

Tying style: John and Katie's favorite flies to tie are Caddis, Stimulator, parachutes, soft-hackle nymphs and quill bodied flies.


Scott Fisher

Washington, NJ

Tying style: Scott is most passionate about Catskill style dry flies and historic flies. He is also a well-rounded tyer, tying wet flies, nymphs, various style dry flies, and more.


Brita Fordice

Bremerton WA

Tying style: Shrimp, squid and baitfish!


Joe Jackson

Martinsville, IN

Tying style: Joe is best known for his Deerhair bassbugs, and elaborate deerhair art.


Braden Miller

Glen Allen, Virginia

Tying style: Braden’s favorite flies to tie include Blane Chocklett’s Game Changers, deer hair poppers, Bob Popovics Beast Fleyes, and a variety of streamers.


Heather Purvin

Philadelphia, PA

Tying style: While she’ll tie just about anything, Heather's favorite flies to tie (and teach) include synthetic dry flies that float for days, soft hackles and wet flies.


Jeff Rowley

Amarillo, TX

Tying style: Jeff is best known for his deer hair and resin work. Residing in the Texas panhandle, he fishes mostly for largemouth bass.


John Satkowski

Toledo, OH

Tying style: Streamers are his favorite to tie and fish, but he tries to be as versatile as possible. He also enjoys tying and creating topwater/waker type hybrid patterns.


Paul "Paulie" Shurtleff

Springville, UT

Tying style: Paul specializes in tying trout flies (dry flies, wet flies, nymphs, streamers and attractors with an emphasis in tying dry flies) but also ties flies for pike and bass as well.


Brian Smith

Stanley, VA

Tying style: Brian specializes in realistic flies, but enjoys tying just about everything that you can think of.


Luke Stacy

Virginia Beach, VA

Tying style: Luke’s favorite flies to tie are “hair and hackle” dry flies including stimulators, elk hair caddis and other various caddis/stonefly imitations using different materials


Erik Svend Svendsen

Provo, UT

Tying style: Erik mainly ties for trout, but he really likes tying new patterns. He has a goal of #tyingoneflyaday where every day he tries to tie a fly pattern he never tried before.


Steve Yewchuck

Beacon, NY

Tying style: Steve loves tying anything from midges to large rodents. His specialty is designing and tying big flies for predator fish. But he also enjoys creating flies for smaller species, especially trout.


Nathan Wight

Durham, ME

Tying style: Although he ties a lot of Euro nymph flies, Nathan’s real passion is for large predator streamers and top water flies.


Chris Williamson

Graham, WA

Tying style: Chris enjoys tying big foam hoppers and stoneflies but he stays well rounded. His favorite hatches to get prepared for are October caddis, golden stones, and salmonflies.
