Soft, webby feathers in a length that is primarily used for collaring steelhead and bass flies. Most feathers have nice, bold black barring and some are suitable for palmering. 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 inches long, 1/8 oz. per package.
This is one of my favorite feathers to wrap on my bigger streamers.
John S.
I just ordered this...
I just ordered this product again today. I use this Schlappen in my articulated streamer patterns. I tie it in tip first and palmer forward over UV Polar Chennille. The profile gets larger as the feather is palmered forward creating a realistic taper on the body. Great for variations on Gallup Patterns like the Silk Kitty. Sculpin Gold and Olive are my favorites.
This was the worst...
This was the worst package of schlepped I have ever bought. I looked through it and pulled maybe 3-4 feathers that were ok, but still ugly. The rest went straight in the bin. Really disappointed. I thought Natures Spirit was better than this.