These bronze-tinged feathers come from the back of the mallard drake and are used for traditional salmon flies, dry fly wings, nymph legs, wing cases, tails. 3 lefts 3 rights in each package.
If you want to tie Lady Caroline's properly, you'll need good quality Bronze Mallard.
This stuff fills the bill very well. Just be sure to do your 'measurement' before 'creasing' and applying it to your tie, as sizes will vary more than 'Select' packs.
bob m.
Great rolled wings for wet flies
These Bronze Mallard feathers don't have web in the feathers for Spey flies. But I find that these feathers are the best value for rolled Bronze Mallard wings on Classic Style wet flies size #6 hooks & smaller. I will be coming back for more.
A pattern of my own design," Full Metal Jacket" the body is copper embossed tinsel. Gone fishin.
Very small and uneven feathers, practically not usable.
Never again.