Classic Waxed Thread 8/0 - 120 yards

Color Price Quantity
beige beige $3.25
black black $3.25
brown olive brown olive $3.25
brown brown $3.25
burnt orange burnt orange $3.25
chartreuse chartreuse $3.25
claret claret $3.25
cornflower cornflower $3.25
dk. mocha brown dk. mocha brown $3.25
fl. bright red fl. bright red $3.25
fl. green fl. green $3.25
fl. orange fl. orange $3.25
fl. pink fl. pink $3.25
fl. red fl. red $3.25
fl. yellow fl. yellow $3.25
gray gray $3.25
green green $3.25
hot orange hot orange $3.25
navy navy $3.25
olive dun olive dun $3.25
medium olive medium olive $3.25
orange orange $3.25
pale gray pale gray $3.25
pale olive pale olive $3.25
pink pink $3.25
primrose (lt. cahill) primrose (lt. cahill) $3.25
purple purple $3.25
red red $3.25
rusty brown rusty brown $3.25
rust rust $3.25
shell pink shell pink $3.25
steel steel $3.25
tan tan $3.25
watery olive watery olive $3.25
white white $3.25
wood duck wood duck $3.25
yellow yellow $3.25


Developed with Semperfli Ambassadors Paul Procter and Hans van Klinken specifically for fly tyers. Semperfli Classic Waxed 8/0 thread is extruded polyester with approximately 33 oz (940gm) breaking strength and is slightly more loosely twisted for a flat profile, giving more grip and less bulk than other threads. 120 yards (110m) of 150 denier thread per spool, provides incredible value to the fly tyer. Lightly waxed, easy to split. Excellent for patterns with spun deer hair, salmon and predator flies.

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