Ultra GSP is stronger for its weight than steel and excellent value. 50 denier is excellent for tying small flies and a minimum of bulk. The 75 denier size and the 100 denier are all-purpose for both fresh and saltwater. 200 denier GSP is great for spinning big deer hair and other large, demanding patterns. 50 yard spools.
Wapsi has been In the fly tying business for many years and therefore have many wonderful products to choose from
From hackle and fur to man made synthetics. Eyes ,dumbbells, chenille, dubbing adhesives and so much more. Wapsi has you covered
Wapsi has a.full line of materials and tools which are top quality. Feathers, hair and so much more Wapsi has it
Strongest Thread Available
I use GSP thread when I fasten barbell eyes on hooks or anything else I need to crank down hard with thread without worry it will break. I don't use it for most of my tying. GSP thread will dull scissors, so I use a razor blade or a ceramic blade to cut it. The few colors available are anemic and hardly vibrant or matching of insects.