foam for fly tying, goes well with flash

Why Foam and Flash Are Best Friends

Jazz Kuschke
Some things in fly tying just belong together—like bucktail and a classic Clouser Minnow. Woolly Buggers wou...
foam for fly tying, goes well with flash

Why Foam and Flash Are Best Friends

Jazz Kuschke
Some things in fly tying just belong together—like bucktail and a classic Clouser Minnow. Woolly Buggers wou...
fly tying thread sizes

Fly Tying Thread Sizes: Which Size for Which Fly

The Team @ J. Stockard
Choosing the right thread size is a critical aspect of fly tying. The right thread can significantly influen...
Why You Need More Than One Bobbin

Why You Need More Than One Bobbin

Jazz Kuschke
I used to think one bobbin was plenty... The truth is, one bobbin will get you started, but it won’t get you...
fly tying scissors

Must-Have Fly Tying Scissors for Precision

best scissors for fly tyingThe Team @ J. Stockard
Are your current fly tying scissors not making the cut? In the art of fly tying, precision is everything! Th...
How to make the most of your rotary vise

How To Make The Most Of Your Rotary Vise

Jazz Kuschke
A good fly-tying vise is like a finely balanced fly rod—once you use a well-engineered one, you wonder how y...
Renzetti Rotary Fly Tying Vise

5 Reasons Why You Need a Rotary Vise for Fly Tying

fly tyingThe Team @ J. Stockard
There’s a moment in every fly tyer’s life when they look at their vise, sigh, and think, there’s got to be a...
fly tying hooks

The Ultimate Guide To Fly Tying Hooks

fly tyingJ. Stockard
Everything you need to know about fly tying hooks. Read on for our ultimate guide to sizes and types, and what fly to tie on which.
Setting Up a Fly Tying Station: A Guide to Creating Your Perfect Workspace

Setting Up a Fly Tying Station: A Guide to Creating Your Perfect Workspace

fly tying stationThe Team @ J. Stockard
Regardless of your skill or experience level, a well-thought-out fly tying workstation setup not only makes ...
Simple Flies - The Bivisible Fly

Simple Flies - The Bivisible Fly

Mike Cline
The Bi-Visible pattern was conceived and named sometime in the 1920s. It is most commonly referred to as the Brown Bi-Visible, but as a pattern, brown is just one iteration of the versatile pattern. For the fly tier, the Bi-Visible is indeed simple. For the angler, the Bi-Visible is both “Visible” on the water and if tied with quality dry fly hackle is a high floater that retains its flotation properties well.
fly tying materials. (c) Photo by David Trinks / Unsplash

A Beginner's Guide To Choosing Materials for Fly Tying

The Team @ J. Stockard
Everything you need to know about the materials to get you started in fly tying.
fly tying

Get Started With Confidence - A Basic Introduction To Fly Tying

beginner fly tyingThe Team @ J. Stockard
Read on to learn more about how to get into fly tying.
fly tying patterns for beginners

Essential Guide to Simple Fly Tying Patterns for Beginners

beginner fly tyingThe Team @ J. Stockard
Let's face it, at first glance fly tying can seem intimidating. Fear not, there are a host of easy-to tie pa...
Mastering the Art of Fly Tying: A Guide to Curating Fly Tying Materials

Mastering the Art of Fly Tying: A Guide to Curating Fly Tying Materials

Mary Kuss
Guest Blogger: Mary S. Kuss, Life-long avid angler, licensed PA fishing guide, founder of the Delaware Valle...